How To Get Beautiful Results From Dark Self Tan Lotions

By Haywood Hunter

Ever since 1960s health authorities announced that exposure to the sun causes health problems, self tanning products have become more and more popular. Over the years products have got better and better and now it is possible to enjoy a long lasting and natural looking tan without any exposure to the sun or visit to a solarium. Technology has now produced dark self tan solutions, that create a natural yet deeper and dark self tan for those who want it. There are plenty of tanning products available now, including normal color tanners and dark self tan lotions.

The best self tanning solutions contain a chemical called dihydroxyacetone (DHA). DHA is a natural chemical that is found in sugar cane and sugar beet. It works by reacting to the top layer of the skin and makes it darker in a similar way to the sun. Dark self tan products use a higher level of DHA, although the amount should never exceed 14% as set by the FDA.

Dark self tan sprays will not stain clothes or damage hair. There is usually a mild starch like smell just after applying the spray but this disappear after about two hours. Although many people tend to cover their hair when they apply self tanner, the lotion does not damage it ad it is water based with natural ingredients.

It is extremely important to exfoliate and moisturize the skin before applying dark self tan. This is because the top layer of the skin is in fact dead, and it is this that the DHA reacts with. The skin will contains areas where dead skin is due to come off. By exfoliating you ensure that all of the older skin cells are removed so the tan will remain even without patches.

It is also a good idea to moisturize the skin all over the body. This slows down the body's shedding of dead skin cells, and will make the tan last longer. A tan fades due to the skin being replaced over time. Moisturizing slows down this process and so a tan can last for over 10 days before another tanning spray is needed.

The better self tanning products should give you a tan that will last as long as 10 days. Using a dark elf tan product regularly will not damage the skin, and will give you a great looking tan all year round, that will make you look as if you have been spending a lot of time soaking up the sun on the beach!

Once the self tanner has been applied the result can be enjoyed the following morning, although for some sin days it may take an extra day. The tan will begin to appear after just a few hours. Using a good quality dark self tan product regularly will give you a fantastic all over tan throughout the year, just remember to exfoliate and moisturize regularly to obtain the best results.

It is very wise to avoid any exercise and sweating for at least 4 hours after applying dark self tan. Also, you should avoid bathing or showering for four hours after application. This will ensure that the dark self tan does its job properly. Do a search on the internet for dark self tan sprays and lotions and grab yourself a great deal. It is possible to save money by buying in bulk if you intend to have a year round tan.

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